• Consistency rule in the direct pass

    With the new 50% rule, you have more room to grow and achieve your goals. Take this opportunity to demonstrate your skill and consistency in every trade. Success is within your reach! This rule is designed to calculate the TOTAL SAFETY zone of YOUR ACCOUNT. For example, if the safety zone of a $10,000 account…

  • Request for payments

    The trader has the option to request a payout of their share of the profits directly when they exceed their target via by selecting SpeedX and filling in the requested fields. The days to request a payout are every Friday, taking into account that the request is made before 12:00 New York time. The…

  • Percentage of Profits in DIRECT PASS

    In this type of account, the profit distribution is split into parts between the Trader and the Company. If you make a withdrawal within 45 business days, it means that 50% of the profit belongs to the trader and the remaining 50% is retained by the Company. If you make a withdrawal after 45 business…

  • DIRECT PASS account parameters.

    10K Swift Mini -Static DrawDown $700, which means it won’t chase you at the end of the day, it will only move to $10,000 when it completes its safe zone. -Maximum Daily Loss $325, when you exceed this amount your account will be canceled, regardless of the amount you have, you cannot request payments. -Safe…

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